Memorial Page
It is never easy to say good-bye to a pet, but especially to those that have spent a portion of their lives confined to a puppy mill. We took these precious ones into our homes and into our lives. We taught them unconditional love and never gave up on them no matter what.
This page is dedicated to the memory of all those puppy mill survivors that have crossed over the rainbow bridge knowing what it felt like to be loved. They will always hold a special place in our hearts.
Run free….
Peanut was rescued from a Puppy Mill at the age of 9, having spent his entire life confined to a metal cage up until the day of his release. He lived out his remaining years in a loving home.
Peanut held a constant presence at our events over the last 5 years, and we considered him our “Mascot”.
Some thoughts from his Furever dad Jack McFarland…
“He was a timid soul, who took years to gain trust in humans. He showed his excitement in life by running in the same circles he always did, but so fast that he sometimes fell down. He didn’t wag his tail, but showed his love by licking my fingers as I rubbed his neck.”
“At our public events, the people’s smiles upon seeing him and wanting to pet him led them to me so I could talk about his life and the lives of dogs in puppy mills and what our group does.”
“I miss him a whole lot !”
I remember the first time I saw Harry’s photo from a puppy mill in Missouri. I thought “no one will choose him” because he was an old man Chihuahua, almost hairless, and fat. He was one of 440 dogs that the USDA pulled from a mill for horrid conditions. Many rescues stepped up to take some and we chose the dogs we wanted. We were supposed to get 11 dogs, he wasn’t one of them. At the last second prior to transport, one of our picks was pulled as being too sick to make the trip. They slipped in Harry. I thought, “oh, great” we got the old man.
Well, he came home with me and I was blessed from the very first day I had him. When they handed out “sweet”, Harry had a triple dose. He grew back all his hair, lost all that excess weight and was a stunner. I lost him in May when he went peacefully in his sleep. For four years, he helped educate all visitors at our events about the horrors of puppy mills. He had four wonderful years outside the mill. He is missed by all of us in Furever Friends. His essence remains with me forever.
Daisy and Simba
I truly believe that dogs, particularly rescue dogs have a way of choosing us. I will always remember that special day when I was assisting Furever Friends with a transport. A group of us decided to sit on the floor and allow the rescue dogs to roam freely around the room. Well, I could not keep my eyes off of this adorable little Pomeranian. He was very confused as this was his first taste of freedom, but was very friendly. After a bit, he walked over to me and licked my arm. After that it was all over for me and I knew that I would be bringing him home with me!
As luck would have it, there happened to be another dog, a French Bulldog who was also calling my name! I will never forget how frightened she was. I knew that she belonged with my family, so I took her home as well.
Because they spent the first 4 years of their lives in a puppy mill, they came to us with many quirks, but over the years they really came out of their shells, although some scars remained.
We were blessed to have Simba for 7 years and Daisy for almost 8. They were always together and brought so much joy to me and my family!
I still feel their presence and I know that they are with us and always will be. I knew that I would have to sit down and write about Daisy and Simba, at some point. Tonight I was finally able to do that!
Thank you Simba and Daisy for loving us unconditionally no matter what.
Run free…….